Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday's Weather
Current Weather map of the United States
Temperature: 82.4 F (1:20 pm)
Humidity: 36%
Dew Point: 53 F
Heat Index: 81 F
Wind: South at 26 mph, gusting to 37 mph
Wind Gust: 20.0 mph
Barometric Pressure: 28.76 in falling
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 11 out of 16
Clouds: clear
Elevation: 744 feet
Current Dew Point Of the United States
Today was a gorgeous day, mostly sunny with strong winds.
It was a 10 percent chance of precipitation this afternoon and 20 percent chance of precipitation late tonight. There was a light jacket needed this afternoon for the
strong winds but it was very warm in the morning. The sun was out, the birds were
chirping, and the skies were clear. Later in the week there could possibly be some
rain or thunderstorms, maybe even during the weekend.
Venice, Louisiana Oil Spill!
A massive oil spill in
the Gulf Of Mexico that is worse
than initially thought threatens
the fragile Marshlands among the shore.
Getty Images
A massive oil spill in Venice, Louisiana has left the Gulf Of Mexico
in flames. The government has sent skimmers, booms, and other resources
to clean up the spill. Eleven people are seemed to be missing.
The oil rig exploded and sank last week, the oil had crept
to within 12 miles off the coast, it could possibly reach shore this Friday. This oil spill can really hurt the wildlife and damage it really bad.
There is about 5,000 barrels a day coming from the blown-out well 40 miles
off shore. The worst oil spill in U.S. History, leaked 11 million gallons into
Alaska's Prince William Sound in 1989...Read more